
Install Openfire (Instant Messaging Server) on Ubuntu

Openfire is an open source instant messaging server, based on the XMPP protocol.

Prepare JRE
sudo apt-get install openjdk-7-jre
Download package
Make sure the latest version here: http://www.igniterealtime.org/downloads/index.jsp#openfire
In my case, for example, latest version is 3.8.2
wget http://www.igniterealtime.org/downloadServlet?filename=openfire/openfire_3_8_2.tar.gz -O openfire_3_8_2.tar.gz
Untar gz file, you'll get a openfire folder
tar -xvzf openfire_3_8_2.tar.gz

Edit openfire/conf/openfire.xml, enter your public server IP here:
 Add a link to /etc/init.d so that you can start the daemon with a call to service:
ln -s YourOpenfirePath/bin/openfire /etc/init.d/
Start/stop service
service openfire start/stop 
Server ports:
3478 - STUN Service (NAT connectivity)
3479 - STUN Service (NAT connectivity)
5222 - Client to Server (standard and encrypted)
5223 - Client to Server (legacy SSL support)
5229 - Flash Cross Domain (Flash client support)
7070 - HTTP Binding (unsecured HTTP connecitons)
7443 - HTTP Binding (secured HTTP connections)
7777 - File Transfer Proxy (XMPP file transfers)
9090 - Admin Console (unsecured)
9091 - Admin Console (secured)

Now, you can start to config your server from admin console port 9090 or 9091

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